A Groovy Side Table for $45
I went on a walk last weekend and passed by a house that had some old furniture and decor sitting out on the curb. There was a little side table that seemed like it was in good condition so after I got home I hopped in my truck and went and picked it up.
After sanding it down, I liked the natural color so I decided not to stain it or put a protective finish on it however, if I move it to a different spot in the house that I may actually sit drinks on it I’ll probably add a protective coat at that time.
I measured from the inside of one leg diagonally across to the inside of another leg. It was approximately 11 inches so I googled “ 11 inch disco ball.” The only results I found were 10 inch and 12 inch so I ordered the larger one off Amazon for $45 and crossed my fingers I could make it fit.
Since the disco ball was a slightly bigger than the diameter of the legs, I placed the table upside down and pulled out on the 4 legs to drop the ball into place. It is now in there nice and snug casting light around the room!