

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, design, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

2 Acres in New Carlisle, IN - $334,900

2 Acres in New Carlisle, IN - $334,900

5024 N 800 E New Carlisle, IN 46552

3 bed/2 bath - 1,920 sqft

Zillow Link

One-owner home is built with direct gain passive solar technology and super-insulated construction, allowing for low utility bills. Special floor design and foundation with insulation below (together with the brick mass wall) capture and store the sun's heat for gradual, later release into the home.

Nice Views - $310,000

Nice Views - $310,000

10 Drool Worthy Dwellings of 2022

10 Drool Worthy Dwellings of 2022