

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, design, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

A School & a House in Rochester, VT - $350,000

A School & a House in Rochester, VT - $350,000

127 Bethel Mountain Rd

Rochester, VT 05767

From the listing: On Feb 14th, 1827 Leonard Taylor secured the contract to build a two story brick schoolhouse and other outbuildings. The cost of the building was $735.74 and to pay this amount the town tax was raised by "21 cents on the dollar of the grand list, one third to be paid in cash and two-thirds in cattle and grain".

Zillow Link

A Condo in a Former Brillo Factory - $3,495,000

A Condo in a Former Brillo Factory - $3,495,000

Live Work Space in Clarkston, WA - $222,000

Live Work Space in Clarkston, WA - $222,000