

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, design, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

An Old Farmhouse in the Netherlands - €550,000

An Old Farmhouse in the Netherlands - €550,000

Wiersserbroekweg 10

7251 LG Vorden Scattered houses Linde, Mossel and Wildenborch

Funda Link

The façade of this beautiful farmhouse dates from 1874, but according to tradition the place has been inhabited for much longer; according to a building history report, the current trusses date from the 15th century; it appears on maps from the 17th century as 'Daer Achter', until it finally became 'Trachter'.

An 1841 Mill in the Netherlands - €350,000

An 1841 Mill in the Netherlands - €350,000

Knights of Pythias Onward Lodge No. 15 - $795,000

Knights of Pythias Onward Lodge No. 15 - $795,000