

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, design, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

It’s a Hard Rock Life for Us

It’s a Hard Rock Life for Us

7102 E Stagecoach Pass, Carefree, AZ 85377

4 bed/3 bath - 2,463 sqft


Zillow Link

Landmark architectural wonder, first home in Arizona to bridge a dramatic canyon, built by Gerry Jones, the ''Dean of Rock Engineering'' and for 17 years, a Taliesin instructor of extreme terrain architechture.

A Keck & Keck Design in Mequon, WI - $749,000

A Keck & Keck Design in Mequon, WI - $749,000

A Historic Home in Minneapolis - $699,900

A Historic Home in Minneapolis - $699,900