

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, design, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Currently Coveting

Currently Coveting

Artwork That Belongs In Your Home

1. Sara Golish

Website | Instagram

Sara’s Sundust series is a celebration of the summer solstice. The eyes of her portraits, even though left blank, are incredibly captivating.

2. Josie Morway

Website | Instagram

Captivating hyper-realistic wildlife portraits mixed with unexpected components that together depict the unpredictability of nature.

3. Ted Collier

Website | Instragram

Ted does have more detailed paintings, but his more simple “Circle Series” are my favorite. The imperfect circles with their thick edges and one color scheme could work in just about in room in the house.

4. Jack Of The Dust

Website | Instragram

Don’t limit your art collection to the walls! Jack Of The Dust is a brand that started out creating mostly variations of skulls, like a melting skull, one made to look like a bee hive and even one that looks like Groot. More recently, they have expanded into other sculptures like busts and Star Wars helmets that look like they’ve been through a brutal battle.

5. Le Heretic


I honestly don’t know much about this artist. I don’t know his name or his medium, but I can tell you he pushes the boundaries. His artwork is sometimes-political-all-the-time-uncomfortable.

Currently Coveting

Currently Coveting

Side Tables for Every Budget

Side Tables for Every Budget