

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, design, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

A Chalet Style Home in England - £950,000

A Chalet Style Home in England - £950,000

Baldwin's Hill
Loughton, Essex

3 bed/2 bath

The Modern House Link

Previously known as Rose Cottage and latterly Swiss Cottage, this extraordinary wooden chalet is said to have been imported from Switzerland in 1849 and rebuilt here. However, the fact the name is relatively new and such cottages were also available in kit form in Britain in the late 19th century suggests this may be more likely.

A Converted School in Dorset - £775,000

A Converted School in Dorset - £775,000

A Condo in a Former School in Edinburgh - £525,000

A Condo in a Former School in Edinburgh - £525,000