

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, design, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Follow Your Passions

A Tip on Moving Somewhere New

Our personal preferences should be the number one indicator when picking a location to settle down in. The best advice I can give if you are seriously considering picking up and moving your life for a one of kind dream home you found online is to always pick a location that fits your lifestyle. If you enjoy the fast paced city life, trying new restaurants and bars, it may not be the best idea to move to a town of 500 that is over 2 hours from a major city. If you enjoy spending your free time hiking mountains don’t move to Florida and if you enjoy spending your free time in a bikini on the beach in December don’t move to Montana. You get where I’m going with this.

My next advice is more based on your day to day life over buying a house, but it feeds into that last paragraph. If you don’t know what you like (aka don’t have any hobbies) go out and try new things. I probably just lost half the introverts out there, but stick with me. Most of us probably already know if we like huge crowds or more intimate settings, but let’s go beyond that. Do you know if you like painting? Do you know if you like riding a motorcycle? Do you know if you like jogging? I actually hate the latter, but I’ve at least tried it before ruling it out and finding other forms of exercise I thoroughly enjoy. The point is - Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Best case scenario, you end up with numerous passions. Worst case scenario, you have a good story about the time you went bungee jumping.

Now, if you’ve tried everything and it turns out you much rather stay in and read a book or pull up some carpet to find perfectly preserved hardwoods to hell with what I just said. Any town should suite you just fine!

What's Inside?! Wednesday

What's Inside?! Wednesday

3 Remodeled Homes Under $120K

3 Remodeled Homes Under $120K